HomeMy Online Writings (2004-07) - VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS
My Online Writings (2004-07) - VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS
My Online Writings (2004-07) - VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS

My Online Writings (2004-07) - VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS

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This book contains many of my online writings. I started my online writings first on the forum pages of the website: ukresidentcom in the year 2004. Many of the writings here could be from that period. Later this site took a business direction did not suit the general style and contents of my writings.

Not all my online writings are given here.

It may be noted that I write under the penname/username of VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS

No attempt has been made to edit or correct the grammatical & spellings errors in the original posts.

CONTENTS 1March of the Evil Empires: 2First letter to UKResident 3International Intervention 4Schools with Asian language study 5Immigration to English nations 6The colonial experience 7The finer aspect of job outsourcing: 8The Power of the Web as a media: 9Back to Schools 10We are White and we are proud. 11The other face of ‘Terrorism’.12have they gone NUTs 13Rantisi Assasinated 14Nick Griffin BNP 15SURVIVED AND HOME FROM IRAQ 16Monarchy v Republic 17Joining the Euro: Don’t do an historic blunder 18Princess Michael of Kent, a Royal Bigot? 19Spying on the UN 20Changes in America 21Hijjab - Religious dress code, Have the French got it right? 22Chinese School Janitor attacks nursery school kids (in China). 23Prince Charles:, Eternal Bachelor 24Answering Oldfred 25How did the British, who came to India in very, very small numbers, get to acquire the whole place? 26Perspective from a vantage position 27Is Oldfred still around? 28What one could lose 29Intelligence 30Business Process Outsourcing 31Immigration policy & Freedom of Speech 32Education: Formal verses informal 33Israel’s “Terrorism” Barrier 34The London Olympic Bid, will the benefits outweigh the costs? 35Thatcher son arrested for alleged coup link, can mommy bail him out? 36Tsunami and the British legacy, Part I: What exists below the surface 37The foreign worker and economic prosperity, A thinking in construction 38A theme from the Reader’s Digest 39The legitimacy of the Asylum seekers 40SOCIAL WELFARE SYSTEM, THE BEST OF BRITISH 41Delete multiculturalism 42Euro Myths, here are some of them 43Inter-racial marriages in the House of Windsor 44NATIONALITY, IMMIGRATION AND ASYLUM ACT 2002, An Overview 45What ails Britain?, My inferences 46What I am trying to convey 47New Spanish Government 48Was Iraq right? 49Suffering dogs and starving kids 50Princess Diana Inquest 51Marxism 52Why the left is wrong about Israel 53Feudalism in British languages 54The European Union, Case for keeping away 55God save the Queen 56Is halal slaughter cruel? 57Asian work motivation 58Democracy Vs. Dictatorship 59D-Day 60US and England 61Should Blair distance himself from Bush?, Your views... 62Israeli Home Demolitions 63The Crooked British 64Enemy combatant maltreatment 65British contributions 66Vernacular English, Rejoinder to Welshman and Attila 67Feudal Languages: A delineation 68A quote and a reply 69Forced Metamorphosis of English nations 70A strange perspective 71How to Win the War on Terrorism 72Exporting Americanism 73Should the British pull out of Iraq? 74Envisage, and forestall the perils 75Equal Parental Access? 76Train and Coach Travel 77An intelligent immigration policy 78Leaving School at 16 79Disinterested musings on formal scholarships 80The asylum 81Black police quotas 82Hijjab - Religious dress code 83Whatever Happened to the UK 84Gibraltar & British Rule 85The foreign worker and economic prosperity 86English Classical Writers 87The Moon and Sixpence and A Thing of Beauty 88Do I miss the old comics? 89The varied reading 90Smacking Children 91When the Princess died 92Séance 93Cricket’s thread 94Britain Really Did Rule The Waves 95Business Process Outsourcing 96Financing the Royal Family 97Will Saddam have a fair trial? 98Now, what might happen in Iraq? 99Hindi Movies 100Royal Navy sailors arrested by Iran! 101Non-English social systems in English societies 102The compulsions of Robert Clive 103Achieving equality with the English, By going up or by bringing down? 104The impending suffocation 105The tragedy of being Saddam Hussein 106Muthappan 107The Timer, the Knell, the Codes, the Encryption 108Quality of knowledge 109. Macaulay and Bollywood, Dispeller and distributors of poison 110. Multicultural contributions, how much can we withstand 111. Envisaging the future, Enlarging on Evansthespy’s misgivings 112. If I were 113. Virginia University Campus shooting 114. Can someone please explain, UK doctors working abroad

And more!

Published by: VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS Aaradhana, DEVERKOVIL 673508 Calicut district, Kerala, India Contact: ved036@gmail.com admn@victoriainstitutions.com Telegram Messenger: https://t.me/VICTORIA_INSTITUTIONS Visit VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS Visit Telegram HOMEPAGE


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